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MSST is facing the same climbing expenses experienced by every organization in California. MSST was founded as a community ski education and racing organization, relying on the support of member families to keep the costs associated with the programs down. We are looking for a new board member (or two) to coordinate volunteer efforts in all of our programs. If you are interested please inquire at!

Parents/guardians registering their kids for MSST programs this year will be given the choice of signing up for volunteer hours (based on a point system), or donating an additional amount to the program to cover a paid employee covering those hours. This is to encourage participation by families in our programs and grow our programs without substantial increases in program fees. If you choose to volunteer you will be sent an email link to sign up for activities on a first come first served basis

Volunteer options will include, but are not limited to:

  • Gatekeeping or course maintenance at community races

  • Working with Holly at the base during Saturday mornings

  • Assisting starters coaches with loading and unloading lifts and skiing/boarding sweep

  • Assisting with day-of registration for community races (yes, that's back)

  • Course maintenance at High School races/States

  • Monitoring the top of practice courses on Saturdays (MSSP requirement)

  • Collecting bibs at at the culmination of community races

  • Assistant head gate keeper for high school races

  • Parent chaperone for one Far West weekend (fulfills all of a parent's FW volunteering) 3 weekends total

  • Driving athletes to Tahoe, from house to races and help cooking

  • Setting up and tearing down race and practice venues


1 point = 3 hours

Team Starters parents are required to sign up for 2 points i.e. 6 hours of time or pay $120  

All-Mountain, Regional, Snowboard, Freestyle Snowboard need to sign up for 3 points, or 9 hours of time or pay $180

Far West Parents need to sign up for 4 points, or 12 hours or pay $240

There will be the opportunity for 3 Far West Parents to travel with the team to FW races for a weekend. That weekend will cover all hours for them. 

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Mount Shasta Race Association

Mt. Shasta Ski & Snowboard Team 

501(c)3 Non-profit Organization

Phone | 530.859.3700

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    Address | P.O. Box 759 Mt. Shasta CA. 96067


Our registraton partner

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